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Monday, August 22, 2011

Review of our posts

Hello and welcome to our Monday blog! Today I'm going to summarize the series we did back in the winter on Interactive Resources Online. This was a 4 part series. Hopefully life will settle down in a few weeks and I can begin sharing new information and ideas expanding on that which we started last year. Sorry but you will have to cut and paste the links. I still haven't resolved my issue with getting the links to work in my blog after updating to the latest version of blogger....(rolling my eyes).

Part one featured Greta's Game Station from which you can access many fun links such as FunBrain, Fun School, Primary Games for Reading, Interactive Stories, Digby Mole's Word Activities, Free Kids Games at Scholastic, Game Goo, and Preschool. Each of those have numerous fun educational and therapy goal driven activities/games.

In part 2 we talked about a website where you will find numerous activities for use with whiteboards. It is very educationally driven.

The third in our series featured a county school district here in KY. This district shares over 150 powerpoint presentations for the classroom. You can get on your teachers good side by sharing with them, too!

Our final post in this series we introduced you to a site for free interactive whiteboard resources.

That's it for us this week. See you next Monday!

Leah and Dean

Monday, August 15, 2011

Othello-Guest Blog Post

Good Morning Everyone!

I am bound and determined to have a Monday morning blog ready to go for you today. Since I am on the road traveling and can't let go of the steering wheel to write something positively outstanding, I am going to share with you a great little FUN therapy idea from Kim Lewis, M.Ed., CCC-SLP. Kim has a little website called Activity Tailor which is found at this address So after you read this blog swing by her place and read more about her therapy ideas and her products. Thanks so much Kim for helping me out and keeping everyone safe on the road.

The following is a recent post of hers on how to use the game Othello in therapy.

I love board games and Othello is one of those classic, perfect two player games. Do you remember this one? The board consists of 64 green felted squares and each player has 32 thick black and white disks that clack snugly into a space on each turn. The tactile aspect is hugely satisfying, in addition to encouraging fine motor skills.

You begin with four disks in the middle of the board, two whites diagonal from one another and two black diagonal from one another. Decide which player is which color (black goes first).

On your turn, place a disk on the board trying to “capture” at least one disk of the other color between a previously placed disk and your newly placed one. Here’s the fun part! You turn over each disk to “your” color that falls between “your “ two ends, whether it be horizontal, vertical or diagonal. “A minute to learn, but a lifetime to master” is Mattel’s slogan, and it’s true. The game involves a great deal of strategy and is fun for both children and adults. Somewhere around 8 years old/3rd grade is where this game tends to gain popularity.

Now, let’s tailor it! I buy boxes of plain circle stickers at office supply stores. They fit perfectly inside the little squares and the felt allows them to stick but not fully adhere (so you can switch the stickers easily with no residue). On 64 circles, I write the child(s) target words and place one in each square. We then begin to play the game, saying the words we cover as well as those we uncover when we flip the disks. This is a very fun way to get a lot of trials!

I like to provide auditory stimulation, so I usually say my “own” words, but it would be easy enough to place all the production burden on the child. And the game easily adapts to carrier phrases “I cover (target word)”, “I see (target word)”, “I said (target word)”, depending on what sound you need to in/exclude from the phrase.

P.S. The rows of disks have a very Oreo cookie look to them. I think a cookie or two in conjunction with the game could be a very therapeutic experience.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Menu Planning--Your Other Life

Hello, Hello! Ok, so this will not be a speech post but still it does fit the theme of “2 Gals talk…” Leah and I not only talk speech but we also talk about motherhood, our kids (and grandkids now), marriage, interior decorating, diets, exercise, shopping, travel, etc. I was reading a recipe today that lead to an idea that I knew Leah would like. As I started to email her I thought why not share it with everyone? After all we are more than SLPs, although there are many days in which there appears to be little time for anything else but work!

So let me share with you too! I offer this as another tip to make the SLP’s life easier.

I found this great recipe for homemade gluten free mayo! whether you have Celiac’s Disease or not, we can all benefit from eating less gluten-just my opinion! As I was reading the comments someone had stated a simple idea for menu planning. I have always said it isn’t the cooking that I hate, it is deciding what to fix that I find to be so burdensome! Leah and I have spent many conversations on this subject and have even tried monthly menu planning. That, of course, usually never made it past the first month. However, I can see this idea working.

What’s the big idea? Select a food theme for each day of the work week! Example: Monday is Soup day; Tuesday is Salad day; Wednesday is Fish day; Thursday is Chicken day; Friday is Burger day. Let me quickly insert here that the themes for each day can be customized to fit your family’s tastes and lifestyle. You may wish to have a Mexican day or an Italian night or sandwich night. You have the freedom to choose. I’m not going to come smack your hands.

Another reader felt this was too confining but I would ask, how so? There are a great many soup recipes out there, so getting tired of Soup night should not be a problem. Same goes for all the other food themes you set up for yourself. Fish night doesn’t have to be Baked Tilapia every time. You can do many different recipes! (Salmon Cakes—Tuna Noodle Casserole—Fish Tacos, etc). I would go so far as to pull out your favorite recipes in your categories to have handy for these nights.

I’m all for simplifying my life and if this helps then I’m going to do it. I have long since found being organized helps keep me sane and happy. If I’m happy and sane then everyone around me is too! You may not like this idea and that’s fine. I’m just sharing a thought such as I would share with Leah.

I wish you many happy burden free dinners!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Quick Reference to Our Eliciting Sounds Posts

For your back to school pleasure and quick reference here is our series on Eliciting Sounds. Once again I will remind you that we are just 2 Gals, who are old SLPs, sharing tips and tricks for eliciting sounds with which we have had success. We are not purporting this to be your guide for Speech Correction, but maybe it will get you thinking about how else you might get the child to produce the sound when all else has failed. Our blog post for Y-W-H. Our entry for S. This entry was dedicated solely to the Lateral Lisp. Our tips and trick for SH and CH. Ideas for getting the K. Our post about the F sound. The dreaded R.

Have a good week and we will see you next Monday!
Leah and Dean

Thursday, August 4, 2011

AAC Series in review

School started back on Monday here in Eastern KY! August 1st seems early to be going back to school, but when I look out my window and see the morning fog I get the “feeling” that it’s time. My body still responds to a school schedule. For fifty five years I have either been a student, an employee, or a Mom tied to a school schedule. I suppose it is only natural that this is how I should respond.

As promised, today’s blog entry will summarize a series we did last year, so you will have easy access to its contents without having to search the archives. Here is the series we did on AAC: We highlighted Jefferson Parish Public School System In Louisiana. This site offers activities for Pre-K up through Middle/High School, as well as leisure and switch activities. GREAT site! Next we featured Polk County Public Schools in Florida. This site offers a wealth of ideas utilizing Boardmaker* but also many in a pdf format. Priory Woods School and Arts College has wonderful resources. They share interactive talking books and delightful FREE downloadable interactive software. We talked about the FREE things you can get from Slater Software. In this blog we showcased Visual Aids for Learning. All their products are free downloadable visual aids that you can use at home or school.

Through Twitter I have hooked up with a guy who is totally dedicated to Assistive Technology and want to feature him and his Diigo resources in another entry. Stayed tuned it will be coming soon.

As you get mentally and physically prepared for this coming year remember to add some FUN into your therapy and YOUR day!

Leah and Dean