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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Quick Reference for Eliciting Sounds-Updated

Hello Everyone, just a quick post to let you know that I have finally gotten all the links to work for the blog post "Quick Reference for Eliciting Sounds." If you have bookmarked that post you can update your bookmark by going here:;postID=4331311366107792936


Monday, January 9, 2012

Apps for the SLP

The Christmas decorations are down and life is returning to normal after a very wonderful Christmas break. For many lucky SLPs they find themselves holding a new iPad, iTouch, or similar device so we thought we would share with you resources for apps for your new devices.

There are several wonderful blogs that have been written which contain this information, but we want to highlight one that we find particularly beneficial. ( Sean is a certified SLP who happens to also be an IT Specialist. His site has won awards since its inception, so that speaks volumes about him and the knowledge he shares. In addition to his work as an SLP & IT Specialist, he is a regular contributor to ASHAsphere (ASHA blog), Advance, and Mindwing Concepts Blog. Sean also is a professional speaker and offers his knowledge through conference presentations. I met Sean (virtually) via Twitter and find him to be one of the most kind, giving, and helpful people you could ever encounter. 

This is the first place I would suggest one to look when you are wanting to find apps for Speech Therapy. The direct link to this particular post is   

He has divided his list into 3 categories: Lists and Resources, Pediatrics, Older Children/Adults.  You will find this embedded at the end of the post.  You'll see a box with a scroll bar.  As you scroll many links will come up for you to explore!  Keep scrolling as there are tons of links.  Don't stop just because you see blank lines keep going until your scroll has reached bottom :)

To highlight a few check out these:

There really are too many to mention but at least this gives you an idea of what you will find there.

The most prominent company to sell apps specifically for SLP is Smarty Ears founded by Barbara Fernandes.  The link is listed above.

Or if you wish to shop on your own you can also simply go to, click on app store, select iPhone or iPad, then on the upper right hand section of your screen you'll see  iPad Quick Links with a categories box, from there select education and you'll find a categorical list of apps for teachers, special education, apps for kids, etc. to further narrow your search.   Since Apple now offers over 500,000 apps you will want to narrow your search!

So if Santa brought you an iPad, iTouch, iPhone, or other interactive device go explore Sean's blog post or iTunes and get started with a whole new world of therapy possibilities!

Have a fun week with your kids!
Leah and Dean